An article about “FTTX (DROP) CLAMPS & BRACKETS”

FTTX (DROP) Jigs and Brackets: Basic Guide, Dos and Don’ts, Benefits and Frequently Asked Questions


Fiber to the X (FTTX) is a technology focused on delivering fiber optic communication networks from Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to end users.

With hordes of people migrating to rural areas, and the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart city concepts growing, there is an increasing need for reliable

FTTX networks. An important component in a high-performance FTTX network is the FTTX (Drop) fixture and stand. This article aims to provide

comprehensive guidance for FTTX (Drop) Clamps & Brackets, including operation guides, precautions, advantages, comparisons, topic analysis,

skill sharing, and problem summary.


Operation guide:

Installing the FTTX (drop) clamp and stand is a simple process that requires a few steps:

Step 1: Plan the installation process. Consider the best routes for cable management and accessibility, and determine where to install clamps and brackets.

Step 2: Prepare suitable tools and materials such as jigs and brackets, screws and anchors, ladders or platforms.

Step 3: Mount the bracket using suitable screws, anchors or hooks attached to the mounting surface. Make sure the stand is properly secured.

Step 4: Prepare the fiber optic cable by stripping the fiber optic insulation. With the fiber optic cable ready, attach the clips to the brackets.

Step 5: Firmly tighten the clip on the cable. Turn the Allen key clockwise until the clip locks securely on the cable.



Any installation process comes with a series of precautions:

1. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines for cable routing, grounding, and separation from other cables.

2. Always keep the tools and materials dry during installation, and avoid water and moisture.

3. Do not overtighten the clamp, as this may damage the cable or cause increased attenuation.

4. Be careful when handling fiber optic cables and avoid bending or twisting them.

5. Always use protective equipment such as gloves and goggles.



1. Reliable mechanical protection for optical cables.

2. Can be used under different weather conditions.

3. Safe and durable support.

4. The clamping mechanism can be adjusted to adapt to cables of different sizes.




There are two main types of FTTX (drop) jigs and brackets – dead end jigs and hanging jigs. Hanging clips are used in situations where increased cable

capacity is required while maintaining the desired sag of the cable to avoid breakage. Dead-end clamps, on the other hand, are used to support the

drooping portion of the cable.


Topic analysis:

The importance of FTTX (drop) clamps and stands cannot be overemphasized. They help protect cables, improve network performance and enhance durability.

Considering the huge investment involved in building an FTTX network, the cost of repairing and replacing cables can be devastating. Thus, FTTX clamps and

brackets make a significant contribution to the long-term stability and sustainability of network deployments.


Skill sharing:

Installing FTTX (drop) jigs and brackets requires some technical skill and experience. Therefore, it is recommended to seek professional installation services.

However, with proper technical knowledge, interested persons may acquire the necessary skills needed to install FTTX (drop-in) clamps and brackets.


Conclusion of issue:

When installing FTTX (drop-in) clamps and brackets, the issue of selecting the proper clamp and bracket for the type of network may arise. Damage to the cable

can also occur from mishandling or overtightening of the clips. To avoid such problems, it is imperative to hire the services of a professional installer or carefully

follow the manufacturer’s guidelines.

Post time: May-08-2023