YOJIU electrical accessories manufacturers in china


YOJIU, a Chinese electrical accessories manufacturer, has been at the forefront of electrical appliances manufacturing for more

than 30 years. Founded in 1989, the company is located in Liushi Town, Wenzhou, which is known as the important town of

electrical appliances in China. Focusing on the production of high-quality electrical accessories, YOJIU has become a trusted

brand in the industry.


One of YOJIU's main product lines is cable connectors. The company offers a variety of connectors for different types of cables,

including copper, aluminum and iron. These connectors are designed to provide a safe and reliable connection for electrical

applications, ensuring the safe and efficient transmission of power.


In addition to cable connectors, Yongjiu also produces line fittings. These fittings are used to connect and secure overhead power

lines and are made of various materials such as copper, aluminum and iron. The company has a range of line accessories that can

be used in different types of applications, from transmission lines to distribution lines.


Another area where YOJIU is good at is the production of cable accessories. These accessories are essential for maintaining and

repairing electrical systems, YOJIU's range of cable accessories includes cable ties, cable glands and cable lugs. The company

understands that cable accessories are critical components of electrical systems that require durability, flexibility and ease of use.


Plastic products are also one of the core product lines of wine. The company produces various types of plastic products used in

electrical installations. Plastic products are durable, lightweight and resistant to chemicals and UV rays. Examples of YOJIU's plastic

products include cable ducts, cable markers, and cable clamps.


Power tools are also part of the wine product line. The company manufactures a range of power tools for electrical installation and

maintenance. These power tools are designed to be reliable, efficient and easy to use. Examples of YOJIU's power tools include

cable pliers, wire strippers, and crimping tools.


Finally, YOJIU produces LV and HV fuses. Fuses are an essential part of any electrical system, protecting the system from current

overloads. YOJIU's fuses are designed to be safe, reliable, and highly efficient, ensuring electrical systems are protected from

overcurrent. The company has a range of LV and HV fuses for different applications from residential to industrial.


In conclusion, YOJIU has established itself as a leading position in the electrical industry as an electrical accessories manufacturer

in China. With a commitment to quality, reliability and innovation, the company has built a solid reputation for producing high-quality

electrical accessories that meet the needs of customers around the world. As the demand for electrical equipment continues to grow,

Yongjiu will continue its upward momentum and continue to be a trusted name in the industry.

Post time: Jun-09-2023